By default it uses 27500 for game port and 27015 for query port, so it make a difference of -485 from game port (the port you set in OGP for this game server) to query port. then when you find it or add it to OGP, you'll need to have the ports (game port and query port) defined automatically on startup to keep the ports consistent whatever you set in OGP. Two problems here, first you need to find a protocol working with this game server in OGP. Īny clues on where to look or fix would be appreciated.
autostart -batchmode -nographics %HOSTNAME% %PORT% %QUERY_PORT% %WORLDNAME% %LOADNAME% %SAVEINTERVAL% %PLAYERRETAIN% %MAP% -logfile output.txt Īmount of time to keep player active after logoff/disconnect (seconds)Įcho 'Generating new default.ini file in $defaultini!'Įcho SERVERNAME=My Stationeers Server> $defaultiniĮcho DESCRIPTION=Stationeers> $defaultiniĮcho RCONPASSWORD=stationeers> $defaultiniĪnybody have any idea on how to get to ogp to tell if server is running? I have found this pdf on remote commands and settings.